Pepsiman Remake


  • Design

  • Programming

  • Environment Art

  • Sound Design

Pepsiman, an iconic PlayStation 1 game, was exclusively released in Japan in 1999. Despite its limited release, it left a lasting impact on many people worldwide. Inspired by this nostalgia, I embarked on a project to remake old games with a next-gen appearance for my YouTube channel, starting with Pepsiman.

Project Work:

  • Gameplay Systems:
    Implemented gameplay mechanics, revitalizing the unique Pepsiman experience for modern platforms.

  • Level Recreation and Environment Design:
    Recreated levels and environments with upgraded graphics and design.

  • Sound and Particle Effects:
    Integrated enhanced sound and visual effects for a more immersive experience.

  • UI Components:
    Developed modernized user interface components for improved player interaction.

  • Performance Optimization:
    Focused on ensuring a smooth, consistent performance across updated platforms.


Ape Escape Fan Remake


Hop Hop Away